FSJC Health Facts!
FSJC Health Facts! #kingdomfitnessbydrk
Support Our Children and Youth Ministry
F.S.J.C. Family a wish list has been posted on Amazon for our Children & Youth Ministry recently renovated classroom building. If you would like to
Give through Givelify!
Give to the First Saint John Cathedral through Givelify! You can make online donations through the Givelify App. Tithes, offerings, love offerings, seed planting, etc.
Support For Homeless Veterans
First Saint Joh Cathedral is partnering with Nu Gamma Rho Military Wives Sorority Inc. to help support homeless veterans this summer. We a are asking
FSJC Discipleship Training Survey
Ministry of Christian Education is conducting the survey to better understand the needs and wants of the body of Christ at First Saint John, as
DECLARATION OF THE FAVOR OF GOD Good Morning: I have shared that I want us to bless ourselves and our seed. Proverbs 18:21 says: Death