Couples Ministry


The biblical message is clear; marriage is a gift from God. Marriage has its basis in the very beginning, in God’s creation of male and female. God recognized our loneliness and gave us the relationship between man and woman (Genesis 2:18). Proverbs 18:22 tells us that marriage is “a good thing” looked upon with favor by God. Marriage is to be held in honor (Hebrews 13:4). Yet, for many couples the “goodness” of marriage has become lost in the pressures of day in and day out living.

Ministry Vision

The vision is for couples to serve together in God’s kingdom, standing as strong pillars within the community, while possessing relationships that demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Galatians 5:22)

Ministry Mission

The mission is to educate, equip and encourage married couples to fulfill the joint calling from God to service. From the very beginning, marriage partners have had a purpose, a task, a calling from God. (Genesis 1:26-29) A good marriage involves far more than caring for one another and meeting one another’s needs. Truly enriched marriages bear fruit in the lives of children, family, neighbors, church and community.

Recognized Needs

.The need for positive, biblically based models for marriage.
.The need to recognize the individuality of spouses as well as the unity of the married partners.
.The need to emphasize the calling and responsibility of partners beyond caring for each other’s needs.
.The need to understand biblical principles and acquire relevant skills for managing the marriage relationship.
.The need for a definition of love as steadfast loyalty and committed, loving action, not as an emotion.
.The need for specific goals and direction in marriage

Ministry Methods

.Discipleship Training
.Annual Couples Retreat
.Social Gatherings
.Anniversary Celebrations

Why participate in a couple’s ministry?
There are many reasons why couples may not decide to attend or participate in a couple’s class.

We are going though a rough patch at this time.
When problems arise as they often do, having other strong couples around can help the healing process, as well as provide moral and spiritual support. If there are problems or issues in a marriage, we encourage couples to come and listen. Because some issues are of a sensitive manner, confidentiality is held in the highest regard.

We are fine, and are not having any problems, therefore we do not need any classes.
That is the sentiment of many couples. If you have not had any significant issues or problems, then count your blessings. However, coming to the class can help to enhance your marriage to its fullest potential.

We are dating, or engaged and just wouldn’t fit in.
We encourage couples that are dating or engaged to attend our classes. The class tackles actual issues and events that occur in a marriage. It can help couples that are seriously dating, or contemplating marriage to learn about God, each other, and the institution of marriage. There have been many couples that have attended the couple’s ministry before getting married and it has provided guidance and has been a wonderful counseling session as well. Having the support of other mature couples has been very beneficial as well. The couples in the ministry have been married anywhere from less than 6 months to 40+ years, so there is a wealth of experience and knowledge to draw upon.

I avoid any marriage ministries because the men and women will often gather and talk about what jerks each other are, a few bible verses are read, and this whole experience is passed off as valuable teaching.
Pointing out each other flaws and faults without being constructive can lead a marriage down the road to divorce. One of the main goals of the couple’s class is to help couples grow and learn using the word of God and real life applications. Men and women can be jerks from time to time, but the class helps give insight, instruction, and encouragement on how to love each other in spite of each other faults. To quote Ephesians 4:32(NIV), “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Each of the topics covered use the scriptures as a basis of teaching. The subjects that are covered are very informative and helpful in your daily living. We have had many people comment that the classes have been like counseling sessions, except that they are free.

There are many other reasons why couples may not want to attend a couple’s class. Whatever they may be, we encourage you to put aside any fears and doubts and stop by and give us a try. We have two rules concerning our class. The first is while we encourage active participation, you are not obligated to say anything or participate. If you prefer to sit, listen and observe, you are more than welcome. The final and most important rule is what is said in the class, stays in the class.